23-24 Semester final

Rule of Thirds - In this photo, the vase is positioned in a way to cross inbetween the invinsible lines of a photo making it more drawn out and noticeable.

Balancing Elements - In this photo, the garbage bin is balanced out by the greenhouse in the background in order to make a more complex photo representing the garbage bin more.

Leading lines - In this photo, the fence is represented by many lines leading downwards showing that the way is blocked of by the fence.

Repetion - In this photo, the many lockers side by side help make the viewer realize the many patterns of the locker and see the subject.

Viewpoint - In this photo, the viewpoint is upward creating a different experience showcasing the skys with trees around it.

Background - In this photo, the camera is focused on more by the viewer due to the plain background.

Depth - In this photo depth is created by the bench trees and background in order to help show the photo as a whole with foregrounds and backgrounds.

Framing - In this photo, the doorwat is framed by to pillars in order to show the importance of the doors.

Cropping - This photo was cropped in order to fully bring the viewers attention to the bulldog statue.

Expermentation - This photo has a odd camera angle as well as shot.

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos for this semester exam?  Some challenges I encountered while trying to get photos was finding good representations of the  compositions while  at the same time trying to find visual appealing photos.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.  I  found tryning to frame photos the best is what is was thinking about the most. In order to properly  have the composition on view I had to make sure the photo was framed perfectly like in my repition photo.

3. Is it clear to viewers looking at your photos what the subject is?  I feel it is clear to viewers  about the subject of my photos in most of  mine.

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently? I feel like getting closer/farther to frame the image would help highlight what the subject is in some of my photos.

5. Which rule do you think was the hardest to capture? I felt experimentation was the hardest to capture due to the vague defintion of the  composition rule.

6. What rule(s) are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is? Some rules im not totally clear on are experimentation and with more examples and experience I could figure out what makes a good experimentation photo.