Nicolas, Journalism 1period 7

Biography: Hello this is my two paragraph biography I have a dog and two brothers and im in high school currently. I started preschool at four then elementary school at 5. After i was done with elementary school I went to middle school which was pretty weird cause covid happened in the middle of that which caused me to do online learning which I liked. After I got done with middle school I went to high school.  Where i was there for one year which was pretty boring and went by quick and over summer i went to californa and now Im a sophmore.

Why I signed up: I signed up for this class because I didnt know which electives I wanted to take and one of my friends said I should take journalism as it had a chill teacher and was a fun class. I hope to learn more about journalism and become better in general at it as the year progresses and I look forward to the many projects we may do this year.

Experience with digital media/Journalism: I do not have any previous experience with journalism or digital media besides taking pictures with my phone and I have only used the basic video and photo taking options from my phone. I also have little experience with journalism besides english classes but my mother used to be a journalist.