Current event quiz 1,3

1. How old is Joe Biden's son, Hunter? Hunter is 53 years old.

2. What was the crucial thing, that a man accused of kidnapping a New York 9-year-old girl, did that led directly to his arrest? He left a fingerprint on the ransom note.

3. List 3 of the top-10 cities people coming to ALC are from? Houston, dallas, san antionio, Austin, Denver, Seattle, New york city, Chicago, San Diego, Fort Worth.

4. Who does Travis Kelce give most of the credit for Taylor Swift becoming his "friend" (give me their names)? Charissa Thompson and Erin Andrews fox news broadcasters were given credit.

5. Why is the discovery of two Jupiter-sized planets in space so interesting, according to researchers? It was believed that nebulas only formed stars so finding two Jupiter sized planets in the Orion nebula was shocking.

A. Summarize what you read in this story. The story is about how representative Matt Gaetz pushed a motion to vacate speaker Kevin McCarthy. The house must now hold a majority vote within two legislative days on wether he should keep his seat or not. Kevin McCarthy has some options to try to avoid being voted off by moving to table Matt Gaetz resolution still if the vacate motion fails Matt Gaetz will keep trying to remove him.

B. What is a motion to vacate? (You may need to click a hyperlink for this answer? 

C. How many days does McCarthy have to respond to this motion? McCarthy has two legislative days to respond to this motion. There are different options for him to choose to try to keep his seat but he only has two days in order to respond to the vacate motion put forward by Matt Gaetz.

D. What are some of the reasons that some Republicans have started this process to remove their leader? Some of the reason republicans have started this process is because McCarthy opted to avert a government shutdown by relying on democratic votes. Republican members also accused him of making a secret deal with democrats about funding for Ukraine during spending negotiations. They started this process because Republicans believe that he is working with the democrats in order to do things instead of with them causing them to put forward a resolution to vacate.

E. Do you think that in-fight between members of the same party if beneficial to the party as a whole? Make sure you tell me WHY you think this. I do not think it is beneficial to the party as a whole. The reason I think this is because in fighting will never be good as it will probably weaken both sides weaking the whole they are supposed to be part of. Although I can see that in fighing might be nessacary in scenarios were someone isnt making good decisions but then it just becomes a mess and I believe having quick decisions that are united would be better.

F. Do you think that our government is working for you and your family? Make sure to tell me WHY. I do not think that our government is really working for me or my family. I havent seen any bills or new laws helping citizens in the U.S. if you look at other countries there laws nay be stricter but have better conditions that dont have unpayable medical treatment or having you tip everyone just so they can be paid even though the U.S. is one of the strongest and richest countries. They also donate billions of dollars to other countries and while that is a good thing to do it would be helpful to strengthen their own country and help their citizens and they havent done that whatsoever really.