Semester Exam

1. Rule of Thirds

In this photo, the Starbucks cup is positioned where you would imagine the lines dividing the photo into 9 parts. 

2. Balancing Elements 

My main subject in the photo is balenced by the girl in the back. 

3. Leading Lines

The leading line in the photo is starting from the bottom of the camera and leading it towards the tree.

4. Symmetry and Patterns 

This is a photo of symmetry seen by the tables at the bottom and everything else surrounding it is showing symmetry.

5. Viewpoint

This viewpoint photo is taken from above and the girl is the main subject in this photo. 

6. Background

The leaf is the main subject and the background is a plain grey color with nothing distracting the main subject.

7. Depth 

This photo has depth because of the table in the front then it moves on to the tree then the building in the back. 

8. Framing 

The main subject, the trashcan is shown in the middle of the pillars which is surrounding the main subject.

9. Cropping

The main subject in this photo is cropped neglecting everything else in the background and focusing on the main subject. 

10. Experiment 

The main subject, the tree is taken at diagonal angle showing experiment. 

Post Shoot Reflection:

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos for this semester exam?
Some challenges were thinking about what to take a picture of and making sure it fit each word

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

I found myself thinking about framing the most because i wanted to make sure everything was right. For the symmetry one i was really making sure it was all centered, i tried my best.

3. Is it clear to viewers looking at your photos what the subject is?

I think its pretty clear on what each my photos mean and i think its somewhat clear to the viewers
4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?

I probably could've put some more thought into it and done a different angle or something like that to make it more clear

5. Which rule do you think was the hardest to capture?

I think framing because trying to find something that fits that description for me was pretty difficult

6. What rule(s) are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?

Probably framing because like i said before it was the hardest one to capture and i can read more about it and figure out what the description means in more detail to be totally clear on it.