Self Portrait and Portraits Peview


Environmental portrait:

In photo one, you can see a nurse on the hospital floor, i liked this photo because you can see that the nurse is sad or devastated because they probably wasn't able to save a patient. In photo two, i liked this photo too because you were able to see how the guy in the photo needs help and is not doing the best and could use all the help he could get.

Photography self portrait:

I picked photo one because the angle it was taken at, like its taken from behind the subject but she's angled where you can still see her reflection in the mirror. I liked photo two because it looks like his in his own world and thinking off and not thinking about life, the background is making the photo more like he really is just thinking about his own thing. 

Casual portrait:

In photo one you can see that the women is just sitting there smiling and not much is going on in the photo which is good to look at, very self explanatory basically. In photo two, i liked how the women is just looking into the camera and you can think of many explanations but at the same time it is still very casual.

I plan on taking photos of my friends. I will be taking the photos outside, inside, anywhere to make it look really good. To make the shots look successful, I will be experimenting with the lightings and angles to make the photo more interesting to look at. I will be using all kinds of like props and just do a ton of random things to make the shot look as good as I can. My goal is to take the photos so the viewers will be shocked.