Welcome to STPRI's Internet site!

Now in its second year, The Internet Journalism Club is really excited to bring you the latest news and events at STPRI to you, our community. We hope that you enjoy reading and responding to the content as much as we did writing and photographing it!

We have also created a new STPRI YOUTUBE CHANNEL where you can check out the fantastic animation of the STPRI logo ablaze, created by Cikgu Tristan as well as other school videos! Click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKo8HZKa54BfjEOn67HrRt

Please feel free to write to us to tell us about your views and maybe to suggest what we write about in the coming months!

Here's our email address: internet.cca@stpri.net


Cikgu Adam and the Internet Journalism Club!