Parish Links

Some Definite Service 

At St Philomena's, we are privileged to have a special relationship with 

Fr Luke - Holy Cross Parish, Carshalton

 Fr Anthony - St Margaret's of Scotland, Carshalton Beeches

Fr Jim McGillicuddy - Our Lady of the Rosary, Sutton

Fr Patrick - St Elphege's, Wallington

Click to view further Parish Links

Some Definite Service - Youth Speaks to Youth Outreach Project in Partnership with Holy Cross Parish, Carshalton

The Spring Term 2024, the Discovery Course concluded a six week programme, run at The John Fisher School, with three students from The John Fisher School and two students from St Philomena's.  

We will be delivering a further course at St Philomena’s in the summer term.  The plan is to run it immediately after school on the chosen day so to further strengthen the links between schools and parish, and together, help to form young missionary disciples.

“To have courage for whatever comes in life — everything lies in that.” 

St. Teresa of Avila