Administrative Services (6900)

Service 6900 is a cost allocation to departments to support OIT Central Administration costs. Central Administration covers OIT’s administrative overhead, including human resources, accounting, contracts and procurement, finance and budget, executives, strategic operations, and communications staff and other enterprise support operating costs. Prior to FY23, these costs were included as part of all other service rates, but beginning in FY23 these costs were aggregated and allocated through this separate service code 6900 per the Rates and Services Board proposal. The metric is per % of statewide OIT service expenses for each department in the most recent closed fiscal year at the time of budget setting.

This link provides a summary of the expense data and calculation used for FY24 billing (FY22 expense data by department)

Hourly work above and beyond the Central Administration cost allocation is billed hourly. Scroll down to view the hourly dashboard which provides detail for these hourly services.

(Click Here to Request Tableau Access)

Administrative Services: Hourly