
Children have worked in group or alone to propose a symbol of sustainability. They have voted the logo they prefer during an online meeting. The winning logo is being used as  project official Logo.

Children have acquired the knowledge required to understand the different issues related to sustainable development with respect to many different disciplines (History - Citizenship - Technology - Science - Geography). Tehy carried out detailed research on the 2030 Global Goals. Each school has chosen on or more Goals and produced a documentary about it. The produced putcomes were presented to and by the partner schools during the meeting held online on  June 9 2021. 

By using a wide variety of materials, creativity and focus our children have worked on tinkering and making labs producing "home made" toys. These can be reproduced by peer friends in the partner countries by following the attached instructions.

Students carried out coding activities such as the production of cartoon, videogames, tests for the dissemination of good practices in sustainability. Coding helped them to become authors of valuable digital contents, stimulated in them logical thinking and gave them the possibility to use alternative means of expression.

Children grew their own food in the school vegetable garden, learned about the recipes of the past and produced video tutorials and a recipes book with traditional healthy food proposals. Our students could so appreciate the impact of their diet on our environment.

 A sustainable world needs beauty, a concept that inspires people’s behavior, leading them to be the best possible version of themselves. Within this activity children will have the possibility to experience directly all this by adopting a piece of their built environment and transforming it. In there they will ù plant flowers, produce art-work, experimentrenewable energies, offer an information point. Images of our hubs will be collated in a picture book.

Children adopted a monument, a piece of art, a building or even a park to bring it to the attention of the local  community. They organised themed days during which they host peers from other schools so developing active citizenship skills.  They produce a variety of digital products (brochures, articles, films, multiverse) dedicated to the studied treasures.

Our children wrote these poems, theater plays, songs and comics in which they expressed their feelings about the dangers that jeopardize future generations.