Data Driven Instruction

To meet Essential Schools Framework Goal of: 5.3 Data Driven Instruction, Durham will:

5.3 Collect and distribute data to identify patterns in instruction to change student experience and learning as evidenced by:

    • Data collection of best practices and differentiation shared in PLCs

    • Measurement of student growth on CBAs and summative common assessments shared in PLCs

    • Set failure conferences with admin at the end of each 9 weeks with parent contact and tutorial logs

    • and more...

Agree on Best Practices

  • Active Monitoring / move around room

  • Lesson Objective

      • Posted, TEK based, and reviewed with students

  • Students Grouped for Academics -

      • Student Driven or Centered Activity/ deliberate groups

      • Type of Student Work / Kagan Strategies

  • Formal exit ticket used and analyzed

Weekly Data Collection and Analysis

Establish Essential Standards

UBD Stage 1: Desired Outcomes

  • Analyze data and determine 1- 2 Units or areas of growth for the year. They will determine the Power TEKS ( those with 5 - 8 questions per STAAR or those that students missed the most).

  • Unpack these ESSENTIAL standards and look at the underlying needs for those Units.

  • Examine data sources like interim assessments and CBAs as well.

  • Use tools from LEAD4Ward to establish essential / Readiness standards that will provide the most bang for your buck, so to speak.

19-20 Template for Unpacking Standards (make a copy for your Unit)

Collect and Analyze Data after Common Assessment

UBD Stage 2: Acceptable Evidence

Analyze the data after the assessment to determine what to re-teach in interventions or if you can move on.

Having students reflect on their own progress is very valuable.

Add assessment tool like the one from LEAD4ward.

Student Reflection Tool

DMS Example 8th CBA #2- Standard Based Reflection Practice Sheet

Tools from LEAD4Ward by Grade





#Going 3-D - Gathering, Reasoning and Communicating: These lessons utilize local phenomenon and are organized by grade level. By organizing instruction around local phenomenon, students are provided with a reason to learn shifting the focus from learning about a disconnected topic to figuring out why or how something happens.

American Chemical Society - Adventures in Chemistry: This site provides resources including activities, animations, projects, simulations, webinars, and videos.

ESCOLAR: Project ESCOLAR (Efective Scholastic Curriculum for Online Learning and Academic Results) aims to offer all middle-school students the opportunity to learn science within an engaging online environment.

Next Generation Storylines: This site focuses on a coherent sequence of lessons, in which each step is driven by students' questions that arise from their interactions with phenomena.

PBS Learning Media - Science: This site explores natural phenomena and scientific practices with videos, lesson plans, and interactive tools.

PHeT Interactive: PHet creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.

Teach Engineering: Teach Engineering is a digital library comprised of engineering curricula for K-12 educators to make applied science and math come alive through engineering design.