Durham Dragon Staff

🚨 PLEASE VISIT THE DURHAM STAFF CANVAS PAGE - this website will not be maintained (8.29.23)

This web site is designed to share information with our fabulous Durham teachers and house resources and links that may be helpful. This is a repository of good ideas and conversations that have happened over time at Durham. It is just like any other site -- browse the TABS at the top and then come back and search for a resource or topic when you need it. :) 

Please review Mr. Holt's weekly emails (Holt's Notes) or visit the Canvas course for time sensitive updates. 


Gary Holt  cell: 469-223-9827

Assistant Principals:

 Stephanie Hall   cell: 469-446-1137

Angela King  cell: 469-390-9981

Ellie Murphy  cell: 214-687-7575

Common Staff Procedures and Policies

Print this and hang it in your room by the door. Refer to it often. We all need to embrace a common language and mindset. Our positive mindset and willingness to embrace uncertainty is how we will change our outcomes. 

Profile of a Teacher and Leader at Durham Dragon

Bookmark this document and refer to it often -- try a "3 before me" approach to figuring out what you need to know before emailing an admin. :) 

Still didn't find the answer? Please let us know. :)  We are happy to help. 

One Pager of Links on Staff WebSite

Need to see this in a larger view? Click the arrow in the right corner. 

Common Canvas Policy
Grading Policies - Durham MS 21-22
Common Staff and Student Procedures 21 -22

Durham Vision

Durham Middle School will foster a safe, inclusive culture that meets social, emotional, and academic needs to build confidence and develop future ready skills.

Durham Mission: 

Students, staff and community design and implement a learning organization that provides engaging, innovative experiences every day.


Maroon, Black, and White

For questions about the website, please see Katie Richmond.