World Health Organization

Topic 1: Measures to Prevent the Spread of Monkey Pox

Topic 2: The Second-hand Effects of Radioactivity on Human Health

Meet your chairs! 


Head Chair 

Hello, my name is Krit. I’m currently 16 years old and attending Ruamrudee International School as a junior. So far, I’ve attended 8 MUN conferences, chaired for 2, and have got 6 years of MUN under my belt. I am honored to be a chair for this year’s SEASACMUN conference. I look forward to seeing delegates' strong debating skills and the interesting arguments they make. I hope everybody has fun at this conference, and if there are any questions, feel free to e-mail me at krity24@rism.ac.th.


Deputy Chair

Hello! My name is Khine, a senior at the ISY. This year, I will be chairing in WHO for SEASACMUN and i am more than thrilled to see the global views of the diverse individuals that will be participating in this conference.


Procedural Chair

Hi! I am Zen, a senior at SSIS. This is my fourth year at MUN, and I will be the procedural chair for WHO at this year's conference. Outside of MUN, my interests include history, politics, and psychology. Most of all, I am looking forward to hearing some good solutions to our issues and directing a fruitful debate within my committee.

Chair Reports

Issue of: Measures to Prevent the Spread of Monkey Pox


Issue of: The Second-hand Effects of Radioactivity on Human Health

WHO T1 Chair Report.pdf
WHO T2 Chair Report.pdf