Security Council

Topic 1: Civil Unrest in Iran 

Topic 2: Flooding in Pakistan

Meet your chairs! 


Head Chair 

Hi! My name is Suyeon, and I am currently a junior at Saigon South International School. My favorite pastimes include journaling, reading, drawing, and baking. I have been a part of the MUN community for five years in three different countries, and I am beyond thrilled to be a part of SEASAC MUN 2023. I hope that you will be walking out of our committee room with an unforgettable experience in tow at the end of the conference.


Deputy Chair

Hi everyone, my name is Lucas. By the time of the conference, I’ll be a senior at the Australian International School in Singapore. I’ve been doing MUN for about five years so far. I am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to chair the Security Council at SEASAC MUN. I look forward to seeing all of you there at the conference and witnessing a great debate.


Procedural Chair

Hi everyone, my name is Roy and I am a freshman attending Saigon South International School. I have been part of the MUN world for about 4 years. I am very thrilled to be chairing the Security Council as the Procedural Chair in the SEASACMUN 2023. I hope that you guys all will enjoy the conference, and will go back home with a basket full of fun memories. I hope to see you all soon!

Chair Reports

Isssue of: Civil Unrest in Iran 


Issue of: Flooding in Pakistan

SC T1 Chair Report (SEASACMUN 2023)
SC T2 Chair Report (SEASACMUN 2023)