
Theme: Protect, Defend, and Preserve Peace

GA1 - Disarmament and International Security

1. Evaluating the Extent of Privatization of Outer-Space Ventures

2. Enhancing Accountability of Nuclear Weapon Use in Conflicts

GA3 - Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian

1. Improving Decline in Fertility Rates and Aging Population

2. Implementing Sustainable Growth of Cities in Relation to Infrastructure

HRC Human Rights Commission

1. Women's Rights to Practice Religious Freedom

2. Evaluating Immigrants and Refugees Right to Fair and Equitable Treatment

WHO - World Health Organisation

1. Measures to Prevent the Spread of Monkey Pox

2. The Second-hand Effects of Radioactivity on Human Health

SC - Security Council

1. Civil Unrest in Iran

2. Flooding in Pakistan

ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council

1. Addressing Developing Nations' Vulnerability to Foreign Debt Trap

2. Combating the Global Rise of Living Cost and Inflation

HSC - Historical Security Council

1. Berlin Wall 1961

2. Vietnam War 1969

Crisis Committee

1. Tensions with Taiwan and China