Historical Security Council

Topic 1: Berlin Wall 1961

Topic 2: Vietnam War 1969

Meet your chairs! 

Jang Hyeon (JH) 

Head Chair 

Hi, I'm JH and I will be the Head Chair for the Historical Security Council. I am currently a Junior at Saigon South International School in Vietnam. This year will be my 5th year in MUN with this SEASAC conference being my 23rd conference. I enjoy and highly encourage fierce debaters and in total favor of controversial yet diplomatic conversations. All those in HSC will be held by a high standard and I expect all to bring their A-game. Good luck!


Deputy Chair

Hi, I’m Milly, a junior at SSIS, and I’m very honored to be the Deputy Chair of HSC. I’ve only discovered my passion for MUN more than a year ago. But since then, the conferences I have attended all helped me grow so much and brought me so many valuable memories. Thus, I hope SEASAC will be a great experience for you too! Looking forward to seeing your innovative ideas and fruitful debates!


Procedural Chair

Hi, I’m Lily, I’m the procedural chair for Historical Security Council. I’m 16, and I’m a junior at NIST International School in Bangkok, Thailand. This is my fourth year of MUN, and I look forward to getting to know and supporting delegates throughout the conference. I’m incredibly excited for what the debate in HSC holds, and I hope to learn from fellow chairs an delegates at this conference.

Chair Reports

Issue of: Berlin Wall 1961 


Issue of: Vietnam War 1969

HSC T2 Chair Report (SEASACMUN 2023)