Disarmament and International Security

Topic 1: Evaluating the Extent of Privatization of Outer-Space Ventures

Topic 2: Enhancing Accountability of Nuclear Weapon Use in Conflicts

Meet your chairs! 


Head Chair 

Hello Everyone! My name is Luke and I am a sophomore at Saigon South International School with 2 years of MUN experience. MUN has given me so many opportunities to grow as a speaker, thinker, and debater and I am so exited to continue to contribute to our community as the head chair of GA1. I am looking forward to see delegates work together to solve the various global issues prevented at this conference while having fun and hope to assist delegates in improving their skillset and enhancing their passion for MUN. See you all!


Deputy Chair

Hello delegates, I’m Justin a junior at SSIS with three years of MUN experience. I am honored to be presented as a chair of the SEASAC MUN community. MUN is a group made up of a remarkabl individuals from all over the world and fosters the very diplomacy that governs our world at the highest levels. I personally enjoy every aspect of MUN, from teaching delegates to leading committees, and by supporting them as a chair. I intend to share my enthusiasm with the delegates of GA1. I look forward to seeing you all!


Procedural Chair

Heyo! I'm Harry and I've been doing MUN for six years. As a senior in his last year of MUN, I'm excited and honored to help run my first physical international conference in four years. I hope to see fierce debate, but also meaningful collaboration. Outside of MUN, I love playing volleyball and chess.

Chair Reports

Issue of: Evaluating the Extent of Privatization of Outer-Space Ventures

Issue of: Enhancing Accountability of Nuclear Weapon Use in Conflicts

GA1 T1 Chair Report (SEASACMUN 2023)
GA1 T2 (SEASACMUN 2023).pdf