new to gaming?

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First things first, you may be asking, "Can I be a gamer/part of the gaming community?"

Short answer: Heck yes, anyone who likes games (i.e. playing, creating, watching, studying, etc.) can be apart of the gaming community!

Long answer: The gaming community is made up of more than just people who play, it's made up of educators, fans, creators, & more! No matter what age, race, gender, sexuality, etc. you are or what gaming experience/knowledge you have, you can get into gaming, game creation, and/or the gaming community at any time, participate as much or as little as you like, and consider yourself a gaming community member.

Now that we got that straightened out, find out how to get into the gaming community with the links below!

What do I need to play?

From consoles to PCs to mobile, we got the lowdown on prices, ease of gameplay, & more on the What do I need? page!

Types of games

From the latest triple AAA titles like Final Fantasy VII to indie game hidden gems like Hollow Knight, find an overview of all the ways you can play on the Types of games page!

Terms to Know

From Avatars to XP, we will teach you all the gaming lingo so you don't feel so lost & out of touch during your game exploration on the Terms to know page!

How do you play and get good?

Never played before or only used to button mashing & spamming? Find out how to use the controls on various devices & you'll be pro in no time on the How to Play? page!