Become a gaming scholar

So you wanna level up your gaming knowledge? Start with our brief overview below of videos, podcasts, articles, & online classes, you'll be looking like an expert in no time!

videos & podcasts

Darren Pearon presenting on using Tumult Hype and Javascript to develop retro-style games for the web as a part of a degree program at a two year college.

Darren Pearson shows how he leverages Tumult Hype to teach concepts in Game Design, JavaScript, and computer science to students at Saint Paul College in Minnesota.

A series of Crash Course exploring all things gaming - what they are, how they came to be, & how they are integral to our culture!

An educational YouTube channel made up of entertainment enthusiasts with backgrounds in game design, television production, literature and academia creating short-form animated video essays every week about game design, world history, mythology, and other subjects.

Polygamer is a monthly podcast that encourages and celebrates equality and diversity in gaming by interviewing voices pushing for change.

A Youtube channel/Podcast dedicated to exploring gender representations, myths, and messages in popular culture media especially video games. Hosted by Anita Sarkeesian, Ebony Adams, & Carolyn Petit.

Articles & Journals

A non-profit, open-access, cross-disciplinary journal dedicated to publishing intelligent yet easy to read research via web publication several times a year.

Journal published by MIT press that publishes the latest game studies online articles, books, and research. Disclaimer: some materials are behind paywalls.

Online classes

Access thousands of video on coding, video game design, & more! Just click sing up using your libraries website & library card. Just click sign in with your organizational portal & enter your info

Udemy Courses are headed by experts. They are well-crafted and come highly recommended. There is a monetary cost; but, there are often sales.

A great example of a course you might enjoy is one on coding on the Unity Engine.

Academic Programs in MN

16-credit program that gives insight into the cultures, ethics, and writing in and around video games. For those interested in learning how video games function as rhetorical, technical, symbolic, and interactive medium that influences much of our world.

24-credit program exploring video game creation utilizing HTML5, Javascript, Tumult Hype and Phonegap (coding programs) to recreate classic video games for both the Desktop and mobile platforms