The Shivering of the Leaves


The Shivering of the Leaves



Saturday, January 21st

Sunday, January 22nd


Jungle Theater

2951 Lyndale Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55408

This project is a devised theater piece that students will create based on their passion for artmaking. This piece will be an interdisciplinary exploration using theater, music, dance, visual art, etc. regardless of track or experience. "Shivering of the Leaves" refers to the concept that when we notice that the leaves on a tree are shaking in the wind, this tells us they are alive, that they are living beings. We are reminded that there is life all around us. This project is about connecting what gives us life through artmaking.

The Shivering of the Leaves is perfect for anyone interested in making a performance from the ground up, from all tracks. In addition to performers and makers this project also needs several instrumentalists to create and play alongside the project.

Sequoia Hauck (they/them) is a Native (Anishinaabe & Hupa) queer multidisciplinary artist based in the Twin Cities on the unceded and ancestral Dakota lands. Sequoia's focus is on creating film, poetry, and performance art that decolonizes the process of art-making. They make art surrounding the narratives of continuation and resiliency among their communities. They are a graduate from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a B.A. in American Indian Studies. Sequoia has worked on and offstage with organizations such as Aniccha Arts, Art Shanty Projects, Exposed Brick Theatre, The Jungle Theater, Māoriland, An Opera Theatre (AOT), Pangea World Theater, Patrick's Cabaret, Poetry and Pie, Rosy Simas Danse, The Southern Theater, Taja Will Ensemble and Turtle Theater Collective. Sequoia’s film “Resiliency is Inherited'' was in the 2022 North by North International Film Festival along with the dance film they created in collaboration with Taja Will, “LÍNEAS de SANGRE”. Sequoia is also a member of the Jungle Theater Artist Cohort.