Alex Eady

AlexEady_RehCalendar.docx (1).pdf

Choreographer: ALEX EADY


Friday, January 20th

Saturday, January 21st


Pearson Theater at Concordia College

312 Hamline Avenue N.

St. Paul, MN 55104

In this J-Term we’ll be exploring rhythmic movement and patterns that live in our hearts, discovering how these rhythms can come together to create a collective heartbeat while moving as an ensemble. Using movement that is physically challenging, emotionally complex, and requires sustainable intensity, this process will be grounded in narrative and story, imbued with ancestral guidance.

Alex Eady is one of our amazing faculty in the dance department. She’s looking forward to working with students outside of the normal class structure to build a dynamic dance piece. In everything she does, Alex works to bring her communities with her and dances in honor of those who have come before, the ones who are witnessing, and for future generations.