Student Drug Awareness Policy

The Board recognizes that the misuse of drugs is a serious problem with legal, physical, and social implications for the whole school community. For the purpose of this policy, "drugs" shall mean:

The Board prohibits the use, possession, being under the influence, or distribution of any drug during school hours, on school property, or at any school sponsored event. The privileged confidentiality between student and guidance counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, home and school visitors, other school employees, and social service agencies shall be respected; and no confidential communication made to any such employee shall be required to be revealed without the consent of the student or his/her parent, unless the best interests of the student can be served only by doing so. Information received from other students, teachers, or citizens of the community that controlled substances may be present or located within the building or on the person of a particular student or students may be used to determine the actual presence of controlled substances.

The Superintendent or designee shall prepare rules for the identification, amelioration, and control of drug abuse in the schools which shall discourage drug abuse, establish procedures for dealing with students suspected of the possession or distribution of drugs in school, establish procedures for the instruction and readmission to school of students convicted of drug offenses, require students be referred to the Student Assistance Team and must follow the recommendations of the team, and publish administrative guidelines delineating the above procedures.

When a controlled substance is detected, the administration will follow the following procedure: Any student who, when under the authority of the School District, has a controlled substance in his/her possession, or is deemed to be under the influence of the controlled substance, or is engaging in the delivery, distribution or sale of controlled substances or attempt thereof, shall be excluded from school as per school policy on suspension and expulsion. School authorities shall turn over all evidence and/or information relative to any incident or controlled substance activity to appropriate police or juvenile court officials for disposition and investigation.

Also please note that school authorities reserve the right to use drug-sniffing dogs to search all areas of the building.

Tobacco Policy

BOARD POLICY 222 addresses students use and possession of tobacco, vape pens, and other smoking paraphernalia.

Tobacco presents a health and safety hazard for users and non-users.  The educational program in our schools addresses the dangers of tobacco.

If a student is in violation of our tobacco policy, an educational and disciplinary approach will be utilized.  For repeated violations, proceedings with the local magistrate may be initiated.

Board Policy 227 Controlled Substances and Paraphernalia