
All students should behave consistently with positive and purposeful conduct at all times.  When this behavior does not occur, students will be addressed by school personnel.  In extreme or frequent circumstances, a student may be referred to the office in writing, where he or she will be addressed by the principal and/or principal’s designee.  In this case, parents/guardians will be contacted, and consequences for the inappropriate behavior may be assigned.  Any unlawful act taking place on the school grounds and buses not only makes the student subject to penalties which the courts may prescribe, but also will result in suspension and/or dismissal from school.


Students may be assigned lunch detention, afternoon detention, or Saturday detention for infractions of school rules.  

Lunch detention is conducted on a daily basis and may be required by a teacher, principal and/or principal’s designee.  Lunch detention may last all or part of a student’s lunch period, and the student will be permitted to eat during this time.  The student will also be closely supervised and may be required to complete some form of reflective activity.

Afternoon detention is conducted on a weekly basis from 2:50 until 3:50PM.  At this detention, students are closely supervised and may work on school assignments or a detention activity sheet.  Parents/guardians are responsible for transportation home.  Students who do not report to this detention may be assigned a Saturday detention. 

Saturday detention may be assigned for chronic violation of school policy (ex. student has been previously assigned three afternoon detentions for tardiness), and it is assigned at the discretion of the principal or his/her designee.  Parents/guardians will be notified as to the reason Saturday detention is being assigned and the detention date.  It lasts from 8AM to 11AM.  To serve the detention, students are to report promptly to the front entrance of the high school.  Students are again closely supervised by a member of the professional staff, a substitute teacher, or a designee of the principal.  They work on a detention activity sheet, and if time permits, they engage in various structured discussions about their written reflections.  Parents/guardians are responsible for transportation to and from this detention.  Students who do not report to Saturday detention may be suspended from school after the missed detention.

In-School Suspensions/Temporary In-School Suspensions

In-school suspensions may be assigned to students when the consequence is deemed appropriate.  It may be assigned for partial or full days.

Out-of-School Suspensions

This procedure is used when a student’s behavior is causing serious disruption to the education process or is potentially dangerous to the student or others.



The following list of infractions will result in disciplinary action.  This list is by no means all inclusive:

Student Discipline: Policy 218