Health Services

A registered nurse or a nurse’s aide is on duty in the Southern Tioga School District during the school day. His or her regular duties include first aid and other limited treatment. If a student needs some special treatment, this may be administered to a limited degree, with the written permission of the family doctor. The nurse also conducts a screening program for scoliosis, vision, and hearing. Parents are requested to contact the nurse whenever a child has a serious illness which necessitates absence from school or if a child has some communicable disease.

When a student becomes ill during the school day, the student should ask permission of the classroom teacher to report to the nurse. The nurse shall be responsible for determining whether a student should be sent home. The nurse will contact the parent to pick the student up at school. Under no circumstances should an ill student leave the building without first seeking the appropriate assistance at the nurse’s office.

All Pennsylvania seventh graders are required to have a dental exam. A dental hygienist will provide these exams, free of charge, at school. If you prefer to have your child examined by your family dentist, please request a Private Dental Exam form from the school nurse.

Pennsylvania state law requires all eleventh graders to have a physical exam. A Laurel Health provider will provide these exams, free of charge, at school. If you prefer to have the exam done by your child’s health care provider please request a Private Physical Exam form from the school nurse. If your child has a physical for athletic participation, this exam fulfills the requirement.

Board Policy 209.1 Food Allergy Management

Board Policy 209.2 Diabetes Management

Board Policy 210.1 Asthma Inhalers and Epi Pens

Board Policy 823 Naloxone

Board Policy 246 School Wellness