School Counseling Services

School counseling services at NPLHS are organized and coordinated to provide continuous help for each student in his or her academic, social/emotional, and career development.  At critical times, when choices of electives or courses must be made, assistance with educational and vocational planning is carried on through group guidance activities and through individual counseling.

School counseling services provided include orientation, continuing a cumulative record for each student, an organized testing program, individual academic, career and personal counseling, as well as group guidance activities.  The school district also has two school psychologists.

A cumulative record folder is maintained from grades one through twelve and passed along from grade to grade.  It contains such information as school marks, attendance, objective test data, personality rating, extracurricular activities, family background data, and educational and vocational plans of the students.

The organized testing program provides measurement of mental ability, measurement of aptitudes, and administration of standardized tests.

School counseling services are student-centered services.  The school counseling department is here to serve the student and the family.  If you have any questions or concern, please contact the school counseling office at 570-324-2071.

Board Policy 819 Suicide Prevention, Awareness, and Response

Board Policy 806 Child Abuse

Board policy 824 Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries