Vision Primary School Sandakan

May 24, 2024

陰雨綿綿也澆不熄我們的熱情,今天是馬來西亞聖願山打根學校來到三民國中交流的日子。見到彼此,大家都好開心!在這之前我們已經透過視訊、影片、facebook fans page、padlet platform各種形式進行各項的交流活動了。有點熟悉又不太熟悉的夥伴,正式在2024年5月24日互相見面了!



三民的師生們準備了兩項體驗課程,「臺灣文化聽我說」:由三民的孩子使用ipad向聖願學校學伴介紹臺灣特色食衣住行育樂!!在線上走訪MRT, Taipei 101,分享夜市美食和內湖在地景點。Teacher Vickie presented the Hakka Lei Tea's story and introduced the Hakka culture and spirits.

This time, every students could enjoy a cup of Hakka Lei Tea and a piece of mochi with penuts or sesame powders.

After gourmet feast,  students went to gym to play badminton and basketball. They played happily, they talked to each other and they interacted.

It's time for lunch. We prepared school lunch for Sandakan students. They could have a taste of Taiwanes food. Sandakan students and teachers all like Taiwan rice very much.

At the farewell party, Jesi and Lanka hosted the whole class with Kahoot game. Students needed to recall today's activities and answer the questions. The winner can get a lot of Taiwan's cookies.

Surprise! The hosts lead all students to dance the National Health Exercise.