Component 1:

Devising Theatre

In this component students are required to devise a piece of original theatre in response to a stimulus, using either the techniques of an influential theatre practitioner or the characteristics of a genre of drama.

The students will be given a choice of stimuli to work with and develop, through practical work, an end performance. This is worth 40% of the qualification. Students can also look at presenting design ideas, if they favour that.

Students will also complete a portfolio for this component. Students will evaluate the final performance or design under supervised conditions; there will be three main sections to the evaluation in which learners:

  1. analyse and evaluate either their interpretation of character/role or their realisation of design in the final performance

  2. analyse and evaluate how either their own performance skills or their own design skills contributed to the effectiveness of the final performance

  3. analyse and evaluate their individual contribution to the final performance, including how effectively they fulfilled their initial aims and objectives (referring back to stimulus and practitioner/genre).

Learners will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete the evaluation.