Year 7

Term One: Introduction to Drama & Greek Theatre

During the first term we introduce students to the wonderful world of drama. The focus of the lessons is on the core techniques and skills needed to produce an interesting piece of theatre. These techniques/skills include: freeze frame, soundscaping, thought tracking, levels and proxemics.

The origins of drama are then introduced to the students. Students have the opportunity to study Greek Theatre and reflect on how important the origins of theatre are and how many techniques and skills are still used within today's society. Greek Theatre consists of choral work; focusing on voice, movement and working in unison.

Term Two: Darkwood Manor & Stanislavski

Darkwood Manor is a devising scheme of work, where students create their own pieces of theatre using a supplied structure. Students create work which is centred around a stay in a haunted house, they have to consider character, status and how to convey relationships. The work will consider how to create tension and suspense on stage using technical elements.

Stanislavski is a Russian practitioner who is incredibly famous in the drama and literature world. He was a revolutionary practitioner: he changed the way in which actors presented themselves on stage. Students explore his techniques and systems to 'become the character' and present this understanding using script extracts.

Term Three: Physical Theatre & Knee High as well as Theatre in Education

Students are then introduced to Physical Theatre. They have a series of lessons that look at how we communicate using physical theatre. This is closely linked to the practitioner Knee High and the techniques that the company used to create performances. Students are assessed on a performance connected to the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel.’.

Theatre in Education (TIE) is a form of theatre that allows students to explore topics and present a message that educates their audience. Students explore the following during this topic: