KS3 Drama

The goal of Drama in KS3 at Smithdon is to provide students with a well-rounded education where students are exposed to a wide variety of drama practitioners and genres throughout their high school career.

On entry to the school, Year 7 students participate in a unit of work that aims to teach each student the basic skills of the Actor, the language of Drama and a wider appreciation of Theatre and performance work. As a student progresses through Year 7 and up into Year 8 they are given more challenging and technically difficult pieces of Drama to work with. This includes a wide range of genres and practitioners that deal with social and personal themes / issues. 

Assessment during this time is made whenever a student engages in the making of Drama (rehearsing, devising), Performing Drama and Responding to Drama (completing a written assessment ). The Drama department at Smithdon uses the Eduqas GCSE as a template for progression and assessment.

 To find out more about what is done each year group please go to the year pages.