3-5 Keyboard Lesson

Week 5: April 27th-May 3rd

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WEEK 5 Lesson

April 27th-May 3rd

3rd through 5th Grade LESSON

  • You may do: 10 minutes typing in Typing Club

  • Work on eBooks

  • OR.......you may also choose below.


Sunday, May 10th, is Mother's, Grandmother's, special female day

Use your imagination to create something for the special person in your life


  1. Take her to the movies from your living room.

  2. Recreate a picture of you or a family portrait on paper. Use crayons, colored pencils, a lead pencil sketch.

  3. Use stuffed animals or dolls to create a theater production of a special time.

  4. Try making a special Google Slide presentation of new memories.

  5. Make a homemade card.

  6. Make coupons for her to use later for chores, cooking, or a quiet day.

  7. Draw a happy picture.

  8. Create a poem using the words, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt etc.

  9. Create a song and dance to perform.

  10. Do random kindness acts throughout a day to show what she means to you.