
Preparing for senior year

Copy of Post-Graduation Paths Presentation

Understanding financial aid letters 

Copy of Understanding Financial Aid Offer Letters Presentation

chabot summer academy enrollment

Summer Academy Slides.pptx

chabot summer academy

If you plan on taking a Chabot Academy course, follow the steps listed in this presentation! For one-on one support, please email Ms. Vanessa at or your counselor! 

*Only current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students are able to participate in Summer Academy!*

Scholarship search Workshop (January)

Scholarships 101.pdf

Next steps after submitting college applications

College Application Next Steps Presentation (01.29.24)

paying for your college education

Paying for Your College Education - January Senior Cohort Event.pdf

FSA ID workshop

FSA ID Workshop

CSU Application overview workshop

23-24 CSU Application Overview
CSU App Overview.mp4

UC Application overview workshop

2023-2024 UC Application Overview
UC App Overview.mp4

UC application PIQ and activities workshop

Application Workshop - Slides 2023 (GoogleSlides) (1).pdf

PIQ Deep-Dive workshop

Copy of PIQ Overview Presentation - Nov 2023.pptx

building your college list workshop

Building College List.pptx

scholarship search workshop (September)

Scholarship Search - 09/13/23
Scholarship Search.mp4

Use the audio to follow along with the presentation!


Preparing for Senior Year Presentation
Preparing for Senior Year.mp4

resume and cover letter workshop

SLHS Resume/Cover Letter PPT
Resume/Cover Letter PPT

Interview Preparation

Interview Presentataion