
JAN - JUNE 2019

2019 AAO Winter Conference, Marco Island, FL

Dr. Rolf Behrents

Dr. Behrents gave a lecture titled "Essential Ingredients of the AAO Draft Guidelines on OSA and Orthodontics."

Dr. Behrents served as 2019 Winter Conference Planning Committee Chair.

Dr. Ki Beom Kim

Dr. Kim gave a lecture titled "Management of OSA from Orthodontic Perspectives."

2019 OERF Meeting, Orlando FL

Dr. Kevin O'Brien

Dr. O'Brien won the 2019 OERF Merit Award.

Dr. Eustaquio Araujo

Dr. Araujo gave a lecture titled "Early Treatment in Review."

Dr. Ki Beom Kim

Dr. Kim gave a lecture titled "Are Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders Another Deja vu of TMD in Orthodontics?"

2019 AAO Annual Session, Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Rolf Behrents

Dr. Behrents (Professor Emeritus) gave a lecture titled "Orthodontics and Sleep Apnea: Guidelines for Practice."

Dr. Eustaquio Araujo

Dr. Araujo (Professor) gave a lecture titled "When 'Early' Surgery May Be a Valid Option."

Dr. Maz Moshiri

Dr Moshiri (Clinical Assistant Professor) gave a lecture titled "Biomechanical Tips for More Efficient Clear Aligner Treatment."

Dr. Steve Harrison

Dr. Harrison (Clinical Associate Professor) gave a lecture titled "Impaction Management, One of Orthodontics Biggest Challenges."

Dr. Reza Movahed

Dr. Movahed (Clinical Assistant Professor, OMFS) gave a lecture titled "Surgical Modalities in the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea."

Dr. Hiroshi Ueno

Dr. Ueno (Assistant Professor) helped to prepare CDABO cases to present as a Case Display at the AAO meeting.

2019 SLU AAO reception was sponsored by the Thai Alumni Association