January 2019 News

Happy New Year!

May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and lots of new inspirations in your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness.

Ki Beom Kim, DDS, MSD, PhD

Head, Department of OrthodonticsProgram DirectorAssociate ProfessorCenter for Advanced Dental EducationSaint Louis University3320 Rutger StreetSaint Louis, MO 63104Email: kibeom.kim@health.slu.edu

Dr. Brent Bankhead

Dr. Brent Bankhead (Class of 1998) transitioned from a part-time to full-time faculty member on January 1st, 2019.

Dr. Eustaquio Araujo

Dr. Eustaquio Araujo will receive the Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in Orthodontics, awarded by the American Board of Orthodontics, during the 2019 AAO Annual meeting.

His new academic appointments are:

  • Director of the EXCEO Department – ExcelĂŞncia em Odontologia – Graduate Programs in Dentistry, Faculdade de CiĂŞncias MĂ©dicas de Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte, Brazil

  • Professor of Orthodontics, EXCEO – FCMMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Dr. Stephen Roehm

Dr. Stephen Roehm (Class of 1980) gave a lecture on 'Bracket Positioning' to the first-year residents on July 6th, 2018.

Mrs. Rita Bauer

July 9th, 2018 - Mrs. Rita Bauer (University of Toronto) gave a clinical photography lecture and workshop.

Dr. Richard McLaughlin

Dr. Richard McLaughlin taught a full day course for all three classes on July 20th, 2018.

The 30th Anniversary GORP was hosted by the University of Michigan. Our residents participated and had meetings with hosting residents. SLU will host the 2019 GORP at Union Station Hotel in Saint Louis on July 25-28th, 2019. Drs. Kim and Behrents are co-chairs of this event.

Click for additional pictures

Dr. Patricia Pigato Schneider

Dr. Patricia Schneider finished a seven-month-long Postdoctoral fellowship in Orthodontics (sponsored by the Brazilian Federal Government), gave a presentation ("Randomized clinical trials about En-mass retraction vs. Two Step retraction techniques"), and went back to her school UNESP (Araraquara, SP, Brazil) at the end of July, 2018. She is receiving her PhD in February, 2019.

Wash U Ortho Study Club

Dr. Jerry Sampson taught a full day course on September 14th, 2018.

Panhellenic Orthodontic Conference

Dr. Ki Beom Kim spoke at the 15th Panhellenic Orthodontic Conference in Athens, Greece on September 14-16th, 2018.

He was greeted by many SLU ortho alumni.

He also gave a presentation at the University of Athens on September 17th, 2018.

Dr. Patrick Dreiling

Dr. Patrick Dreiling (Class of 1969) received the Annual Alumni Merit Award at the Busch Student Center Grand Ballroom on September 27th, 2018.

Dr. William Choi

Dr. William Choi (Class of 1993) from Taipei, Taiwan gave a presentation ("Integrated occlusal therapy for TMD patients") on September 27th, 2018.

Dr. Choi and the Taiwanese SLU Alumni Association visited CADE on September 28th, 2018.

Dr. Brandon Owen

Dr. Brandon Owen (Fort Collins, CO) gave a presentation ("Digital Orthodontics") for all three classes on October 4th, 2018.

Drs. Luiz and Marcia Gandini

Drs. Luiz and Marcia Gandini (UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil) held a course and hands-on "Biomechanics in Orthodontics" for the first-year residents on Oct 15-18th, 2018.

Drs. Graham Jones and Steve Lemery

Dr. Graham Jones (Class of 2007, Seattle, WA) and Dr. Steve Lemery (Class of 2007, Bellevue, WA) gave 4 hours of lecture on October 22nd, 2018.

Dr. Michael Silverman

Dr. Michael Silverman from Scott Air Force Base became a part-time orthodontic clinical instructor on September 21st, 2018.

Dr. Matthew Ng

Dr. Matthew Ng (Class of 2004, Houston, TX) gave four hours of lecture about practice management on October 29th, 2018.

Dr. Guilherme Almeida

Dr. Guilherme Almeida (University of Uberlandia, MG, Brazil) visited SLU for a research collaboration with Dr. Kim.

He gave presentations ("How to improve the efficacy of Class III compensatory treatment in your clinical practice" and "How to be effective in the Class II compensatory treatment") on November 12th and 16th, 2018.

Mr. Sean Murphy

Mr. Sean Murphy (Associate General Counsel, AAO) gave a presentation ("AAO Resident legal course") on November 26th, 2018.

Holiday Party

We had a holiday party on December 16, 2018.

New Intraoral Scanners

Two Trios (3Shape) intraoral scanners have been purchased. These scanners will be used along with two iTero scanners.

New CBCT machine

A Carestream CS 9600 was installed to replace the old CS 9300 CBCT in January, 2019.

Fixed Retainer Wire-Bending Machine

This machine was donated by YOAT Corp (Seattle, WA).

It takes less than 5 minutes to bend a fixed retainer once it receives a 3D scan data.

Added New Courses

Sleep Medicine for Orthodontists (Course Director: Dr. Ki Beom Kim) for 2nd year Residents

Digital Orthodontics (Course Director: Dr. Brent Bankhead) for 2nd year Residents

Treatment Planning Using Digital Technology (Course Director: Dr. Brent Bankhead) for 1st year Residents


The reception area renovation will be finished in April, 2019. There will be four cubicles across the front and an additional consultation room.

Alexis Azar Posnanski

Senior Director of DevelopmentCenter for Advanced Dental Education

It is that time of year again! The holidays will be here before we know it and hopefully giving back is on your (or your financial advisor’s) mind. Thank you to those who have already given to the Orthodontic Graduate Program this year, and for those that have not given yet, we hope this serves as a gentle reminder to consider making a gift to the Orthodontic Annual Fund.

While 2018 has been another prosperous year at the Center for Advanced Dental Education, a few notable updates have occurred over the past twelve months. At the beginning of 2018, an initiative to elevate the Dr. Lysle Johnston Endowed Professorship to the Dr. Lysle Johnston Endowed Chair began. A goal of raising $50,000 from alums in order to receive a $50,000 match from Dr. Johnston was successful. In fact, the support to elevate the fund was overwhelming, and the total amount raised in 2018 for the Dr. Lysle Johnston Endowed Chair is currently at $164,779 and counting...

Another exciting development in 2018 was honoring Dr. Patrick Dreiling (Dentistry 1965 and Orthodontics 1970) as CADE's recipient of SLU's annual Alumni Merit Award. This acknowledgement is especially notable, as 2018 marks SLU's 200th birthday. Dr. Dreiling was chosen because he is an outstanding alumnus who has lived the mission of Saint Louis University in daily life and has achieved outstanding success in civic leadership, professional and social welfare activities, intellectual and cultural pursuits and has a continued interest and service toward supporting the enhancement of Saint Louis University. Congrats to Dr. Pat Dreiling, his wife Mary Mermis Dreiling and the entire Dreiling clan who made the trip to St. Louis from Kansas for this year's festivities.

As we look to 2019, there are two new initiatives Alexis is focusing on that relate to fundraising. Alexis has been working closely with Dr. Kika Araujo (Orthodontics 2008) to pilot a class giving challenge. Dr. Kim arrived at CADE in 2005 and has a special place in the hearts of the class of 2008. Dr. Kika Araujo has graciously agreed to assist Alexis with reaching out to her classmates to encourage them to set up a reoccurring monthly gift to support the Orthodontic Annual Fund. Thanks to Dr. Kika Araujo for your help with this initiative! There will be more to come after the first of the year regarding this project and how you can make an impact and support the Orthodontic Annual Fund which allows the Orthodontic Department to host the annual alumni reception at the AAO conference, assist with graduation costs, allows orthodontic residents and faculty to travel to meetings, pays for membership dues, licenses and applicant interviews.

Lastly, Dr. John Hatton, Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Dental Education, along with the four specialty directors, have decided to give the orthodontic waiting area a face lift. In an effort to make patients and families more comfortable and to alleviate long lines to schedule appointments, the new lobby will offer more seating in a modern and friendly environment. Attached are renderings of the renovation project. Following completion of this renovation, the directors will look to secure a space in the center to allow all four resident specialty programs to have a comfortable space to study and work on their research.

As we continue to train and educate top clinicians in the field of orthodontics, I want to thank each and every one of you who have supported the Orthodontic Department in the past and in the coming years. Below is a link to make a gift to the Orthodontic Annual Fund. As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me at alexis.posnanski@slu.edu or at 314-977-2247.
