2022 Performing Arts elections

The 2022 SLOHS Performing Arts elections were held on May 24, 2022. During this midterm election year, the offices of Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President were contested; incumbent president Lindsay Smith renewed her term and is expected to hold office until her graduation in 2023. Incumbent vice president Flannery Clausen and secretary Charley Beck were both potentially able to retain their offices, but only by being elected a second time.

Election results were announced May 24, 2022, starting at 12:01 PM PST. Beck was elected to a second term as secretary; the newly elected officers were Stella Tabuenca, filling the Treasurer vacancy as incumbent Ava Walsh is graduating, and Mark Rourke, who was elected to the vice presidency.

The Company branch of Performing Arts government was appointed in fall 2022 to allow new freshmen the chance to run. Vacancies for the 2022–23 school year included Commissioner of Classics, Commissioner of Improv, and Commissioner of Technical Theatre, whose incumbents either graduated, left office, or were appointed to another office.

In SLOHS Performing Arts, general elections follow nominations held by the club to determine their candidates. The winners of the 2022 elections were inaugurated on August 18, 2022.

2022 Performing Arts elections

2021          2022           2023

Midterm election

Election day May 24

Incumbent president Lindsay Smith

Company/office elections