2023 Performing Arts elections

The 2023 SLOHS Performing Arts elections was held in May 2023. A presidential election year, the offices of President, Vice President, and Treasurer will be contested due to vacancies left by graduating seniors, likely accompanied by the office of Secretary. Incumbent secretary Charley Beck became the president for the 2023 - 2024 school year. 

The Company branch of Performing Arts government will also be appointed in May 2023.

In SLOHS Performing Arts, general elections follow nominations held by the club to determine their candidates. The winners of the 2023 elections are scheduled to be inaugurated on August 17, 2023.

The leadership for the 2023 - 2024 school year will be President Charley Beck, Vice President Emily Sincoff, Secretary Naomi Garret, and Treasurer Frida Vega.

2023 Performing Arts elections

2023 - 2024 Leadership

Incumbent president Charley Beck

Company/office elections


The Constitution of SLOHS Performing Arts states that for a person to serve as president, the individual must be entering grades 10-12 and have at least one year of experience with the program. Candidates can nominate themselves or be nominated by others at a yet unknown date in mid-May 2023. Presidential nominees typically do not choose vice presidential running mates; the vice presidency is put to a separate election, and is not granted to the runner-up of the presidential election.

During the voting period, all members of SLOHS Performing Arts are eligible to vote for one candidate for each office. Winners are determined by plurality vote. If only one candidate is in the running for an office, they are automatically declared the winner when nominations close; if multiple candidates are in the running for an office, voting is typically open until midnight 1-2 days later and is announced the subsequent morning.