
Special Programming

Spooky Silly Science

Are you brave enough to handle spooky and silly science? Join us as we explore the creepy and exciting world of science. 

Time- Friday, October 13: 3:00pm-5:30pm

Ages- 5-12

This registered program is an opportunity to have a hands-on learning experience with spooky/Halloween themed STEAM activities. The program will consist of crafts, games, and activities that are age-appropriate and fall in line with the library’s goal of fostering a love of reading and being a partnet in education. The program’s purpose is to get children interested in STEAM and expose children to the fun ways science and art have been implemented. The program also aims to give children an opportunity to meet and connect with other children close in age in their community.  The program will consist of three science-based activities, one art-based activity, one relay activity, and finally one literacy-based activity. Participants in the program will enter the storytheater, be greeted, and encouraged to take a seat. Once the program begins the facilitator will introduce themselves and staff, the guidelines, and the program theme. The facilitator will then start the icebreaker. After the icebreaker children will be presented with the first activity with a brief introduction to the science behind it and head to one of the first stations. After this activity, children will be divided up into six groups of 5 for the relay activity. After this activity, children will be given iPads and encouraged to sit back down for the trivia activity. During this time assistants will help reset the activity station for the final science activity. Following trivia, the art-based activity will be introduced and will give children a chance to also get snacks and refreshments. Once the participants are given enough time, they will then move on to the final science-based activity and clean up. Finally, children will be reminded to check out books that are displayed, upcoming programs, and be read a short scary story before dismissing.

Activity Breakdown: 


1 Children's Librarian as facilitator

1 library assistant or page for assistance. 


$200 total for the program. Purchase of slime supplies, art materials, and science supplies for boo bubbles. 

Regular Programming


for Staff Development, Planning and Training

Bouncing Babies: 

Mondays & Thursdays 11am-

October 2,5,9,12,23,26,30

Terrific Toddlers:

Tuesdays & Fridays 11am-

October 3,6,10,13,24,27,31

Family Storytime: 

Wednesdays 6pm & Saturdays 11am -

October 4,7,11,14,25,28

Homework Heroes: 

Thursdays 5pm-

October 5,12,26

Big Builders: 

First Monday 4pm-

October 2

Curiosity Crew: 

First Tuesday 4pm-

October 3

Crafty Corner:

Second Tuesday 5pm-

October 10

Sensory Station: 

First Wednesday 8:30am

October 4

Community Readers:

Second Wednesday 11am

October 11

Once Upon a Quento:

Fourth Wednesday 11am

October 25

Monthly Book Display

Tower Feature Display

Photo by Demco on Demco®

Pizza Display

In celebration of National Pizza Month this display will feature books on pizzas. 

Mobile 4-Sided Book Display

Photo by Demco on Demco®

Halloween Display

Display will feature New titles to the collection. Titles will be both fiction and non-fiction and will vary from each book type including picture books, chapter books , and graphic novels.