Suguru Yabe Personal Website

Yabe Suguru                                                   矢部 優

Ph. D.                                                                  博士(理学)

GSJ, AIST                                                         産総研地質調査総合センター

Senior Researcher                                     主任研究員

Profile                                                                経歴

Research outcomes                                   研究成果

Research contents                                      研究内容

Recent Activity (Last Updated June 19th, 2024)

2024 Jun. 3                 New collaborating manuscript accepted to Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth!

"Revisiting seismic energy of shallow tremors: Amplifications due to site and propagation path effects near the Nankai Trough"

2024 Mar. 5                New collaborating manuscript accepted to Journal of the Physical Society of Japan!

"Fast to slow slip transition in stick-slip friction of polymer gels with artificial roughness"

2024 Jan. 23              New collaborating manuscript accepted to Geophysical Journal International!

"Detectability analysis of very low frequency earthquakes: methods and application in Nankai using F-net and DONET broad-band seismometers"

2023 Oct. 1                 Senior Researcher in GSJ, AIST