Spell List

1st Circle Spells


Touch attack that causes 1d6-2 damage. Each level of mana burn raises the damage by +1.

Healing Hand

Heals 1d6 HP. The caster has to touch the person he wants to heal. Each level of mana burn heals an additional hitpoint.

Magic light

Caster creates a magic light on the tip of his staff or other weapon, that illuminates a 10 yards radius much like a torch. Mana burn can be used to add one or more of the following effects:

    • Ball of light (the caster forms the light into a ball that he can control with his thoughts)

    • Colored light (the light shines in a color of the caster's choosing)

    • Light beam (the light shines in a tight beam which reaches 15 yards)

    • Flash (the effect lasts only one round but blinds everyone who looks unprotected into the flash for 1d6 rounds)

The magic light shines for 1 hour or until dispelled by the caster. It can also be sustained for 1 additional mana per hour.

Sense Magic

Caster can sense magic in a 3 yards radius. Each level of mana burn adds another yard to the radius.


Caster may remotely move one item up to 1kg. Each mana burn adds another kilogram of weight that can be moved. Telekinesis lasts for 1 min and can be sustained for 1 additional mana per minute.

2nd Circle Spells

Create food and water

The spell creates one daily ration of food and water for one person.

Healing Light

Heals 1d6 HP. Each level of mana burn heals two additional hitpoints.


Allows the caster to identify one magic property of an item. Each level of mana burn identifies one additional property.


Caster may slowly float up and down for up to 3 minutes. The spell can be sustained for 1 mana per additional minute. Please note that this spell provides no horizontal propulsion, but a caster may other means to float horizontally.

Lightning bolt

Missile attack that causes 1d6+2 damage (+2 per level of mana burn)

Magic Armor

A magic bubble around the caster absorbs any damage until its HP are depleted or dispelled. The bubble has 4 hitpoint and each level of mana burn adds 4 more. Excess damage is not transferred.

3rd Circle Spells

Chain Lightning

As lightning bolt, but can also attack multiple enemies as long as they are within 5 yards of each other. The damage of the spell can be increased by mana burns. The maximum number of targets affected is 3.

Walk on Air

The caster may walk on air as if it were solid ground for up to 3 minutes. The spell can be sustained for 1 minute per additional mana spent.


This missile spell causes 3d6 damage in a radius of three yards. Mana burn can be used to either improve the damage by +2 or the radius by 2 yards.

Enchant weapon

The caster puts a temporary enchantment on a weapon that then grants its wielder +2 on attack rolls and any damage caused. Lasts for one combat encounter. Mana burn can be used to add +1 to both the attack and damage bonuses.


Touch-attack that puts target into stasis. For the target time stands still, it cannot move, attack or be attacked. Last for a number of hours equal to successes rolled.

4th Circle Spells

Summon Earth Elemental

Caster summons an Earth Elemental under his control. The Elemental is destroyed when its HP are depleted or when dispelled by the caster.

Magic step

The caster can teleport up to 10 yards in any direction. Each mana burn can add 10 yards to the distance teleported. No line of sight is needed, but the caster must have a clear image of the place where he wants to teleport to in his mind.

Use Moongate

The caster can open moongates at special places (like stone circles) that allow instant travel over long distances. Moongates start to close slowly after 2 minutes. They can not be held open nor can they can only be open once every 6 hours.

Return to life

Caster can revive one fallen character as long as the body is still intact and warm. Upon success the character also gets back 2 HP. Mana burn can be used to increase the healing by 2 hitpoints.

Summon Phantom Steed

The caster calls a phantom steed that can act as a mount for 24 hours. The phantom steed needs no rest and can walk on water. This spell can not be sustained, the steed must be resummoned after the 24 hours.