
Each player has to create a character in order to play. The player character is his or her representation in the game world. The characters played by the game master are called non-player characters orNPCs. All characters in WR&M are described by their three basic attributes, skills, talents and various other values, which will be explained in detail in this chapter.Each player has to create a character in order to play. The player character is his or her representation in the game world. The characters played by the game master are called non-player characters or NPCs. All characters in WR&M are described by their three basic attributes, skills, talents and various other values, which will be explained in detail in this chapter.


WR&M uses three basic attributes to describe a character: Warrior, Rogue and Mage. Each attribute is usually ranked from 0 to 6, but monsters and veteran characters may have higher values. If an attribute is ranked at 0 you can't use any related skills. And in the case of the Mage attribute you can't cast even the simplest spell.

A character with a high rank in Warrior is the born fighter: strong, tough,fearless. Characters with a low rank in this attribute lack these abilities. Someone with a high Rogue attribute is witty, stealthy and quick with his feet and mind. A highly ranked Mage attribute is a sign of intelligence, strength of will and mental discipline.

Each player character starts with 10 attribute levels that may be freely distributed between the three attributes. No attribute may start higher than 6 though. While highly specialized characters are possible, a well-rounded character with a few levels in each attribute probably works best for new players.