

Whenever combat occurs, player characters and non-player characters act in turns. At the start of combat, the sequence in which the two sides in the conflict act is determined. This is called initiative. In most cases common sense dictates the initiative. If unsure roll a die for each side. The side with the higher result acts first.

Optional: A character with the Awareness skill may add +2 to the initiative roll.

Combat actions

Combat turns are pretty short, so characters can only perform a few actions. Running a short distance, drawing a weapon, attacking a foe, casting a spell are reasonable actions that can be performed during one turn.

Attack roll

When a character tries to hit another character in close or ranged combat, his player has to roll the dice to determine if he has hit. Attack rolls work like any other attribute check but the DL is always the target's Defense stat plus any applicable modifiers. Attack rolls are subject to the "exploding die" rule if the character has the appropriate skill and that each additional success after the first adds +1 to the damage caused. Please refer to the Magic chapter for magic attacks.

Example: A thief wants to backstab a guard with a dagger. The skill list determines that when using a dagger the Rogue attribute applies. The thief knows this skill, so he may also add the +2 modifier to his attack roll.

Damage and Healing

After having scored a hit, you determine the damage caused. Damage is determined by the weapon used. See the weapon list for details. Please note that damage rolls are always subject to the "exploding die" rule. The victims hitpoints are reduced by a number of points equal to the damage caused. If the hitpoints drop to 0, the character is dead or dying. A character's HP may never drop below 0.

Optional: Characters who were reduced to under half their maximum hitpoints are considered seriously wounded and get a -3 modifier on all checks.

A character heals hitpoints equal to his highest attribute per day of rest. Only light activities are allowed during that time. If a character takes part in a combat, chase or a similar activity he may only heal a single hitpoint that day. Characters with the Herbalism skill may use his abilities to speed up healing. When treated by such a character, you get +2 HPs per day of rest