
Calling All Volunteers!

These roles take approximately 1 – 10 hours per month from October – May. Please consider helping the section meet its mission of supporting engineering professionals and helping students learn about the great careers opportunities available in engineering. Details and approximate time commitments for each of these volunteer positions are included below. Getting involved is a great way to work on your leadership skills and give back to the community!

- President: Oversees section management, runs monthly EC meetings, welcomes new members, writes

president’s letter for newsletter each month, and acts as primary point of contact for section. The nominating and fund development committees fall under the president. Previous EC experience desired.

- VP Professional Development: Oversees committee chairs for membership, programs, newsletter and banquet as well as the Webmaster and meet and greet lunches. This includes recruiting committee chairs and helping the chairs recruit committee members. Two people can share this job if desired.

- VP Career Guidance: Oversees committee chairs for Speakers Bureau, AWSEM, Girl Scouts, Introduce a Girl to Engineering, Scholarship, Essay Contest, and Certificate of Merit as well as the Counselor for the OSU section. This includes recruiting committee chairs and other help. Two people can share this job.

- Secretary: Takes notes at EC meetings and publishes them. Helps with section correspondence as needed.

- Treasurer: Manages the finances of the section (bill paying, check cashing, and scholarship payments).

- Section Representative: Represents our section at the regional/national level through quarterly reports and attendance at the Council of Representatives meetings at the Regional conference and the National Conference. Support from management to fund conference expenses is strongly desired.

- Section Representative Alternate: Must be able to carry out the Section Representative duties if needed.

- The final elected position is not a member of the Executive Council, but is still very important. This is the Nominating Committee Member. Based on our bylaws, the nominating committee should have at least 3 members with one being elected. Each spring the nominating committee has the official duty of selecting candidates for the EC, collecting candidates’ statements (if needed), and preparing the ballot.

- Banquet: The banquet is held in February during National Engineers Week. This chair coordinates volunteers for all of the tasks needed to plan the banquet including selecting a date, location, speaker, and catering; sending invitations (corporate and individual) and collecting responses/payment; identifying students; and preparing programs and name badges. Two people may want to share this job.

- Certificate of Merit: The COM chair sends letters to high schools asking for nominations of outstanding female students throughout the Willamette Valley, and then presents the winners with a certificate from SWE recognizing their excellence. This occurs each spring, in time for the end of year award ceremonies. The chair also coordinates volunteers to present the awards in person where needed.

- Essay Contest: Middle school students are asked to write an essay about an important woman in science or engineering, and $50 prizes are given to winners from each grade. Prizes are presented at the banquet (if possible). This chair sends letters to schools, coordinates judging of the essays, and presents the awards.

- Fund Development: This chair coordinates fund development activities for our section. Historically this has been a mailing to members and companies each year, however new ideas are always welcome.

- Girl Scouts: This chair coordinates several Girl Scout activities over the year with different age groups of girls. Coordination includes setting dates and activities with the Santiam Girl Scout Council, and organizing volunteers.

HP Liaison: This chair is an HP employee who coordinates HP-specific SWE activities. Examples activities would include coordinating SWE involvement the CRUISE recruiting event, organizing social events, and keeping regular contact with our diversity consultant. We could have chairs for other companies if there is interest.

- Membership: This chair maintains the database of members and friends of our section both in email and snail mail, and serves as a central location when messages need to be forwarded to the section. Other activities could include greeting and sending “welcome” packets to new members and helping with mailings.

- Newsletter: This chair produces this newsletter each month by polling the EC and chairs for stories and putting them together. This is a great way to become an expert at Word or other publishing software!

- OSU Counselor: The OSU Counselor gets involved with OSU’s SWE section, acting as a liaison between them and our professional section and solicits help from us where needed.

- Programs/Chair and Committee: In the past, this was our biggest committee and really needs 8+ members as well as a chair to run smoothly. The committee is responsible for our monthly meetings/activities. With a large committee, the chair can keep everyone organized, while each member can be responsible for just one or two meetings over the year. Planning a meeting typically involves finding a location, coordinating the activity (speaker, tour, etc), and coordinating food.

- Publicity: Activities include spreading the word about our section to companies within our area and helping with the publicity of regular events as needed.

- Scholarship: This chair coordinates the WVS-SWE Scholarship, Georgia Pacific Scholarship, and HP Scholarship (each $1000) that are given to three female high school seniors planning to attend engineering school. This requires sending of a letter and application to schools, coordinating the judging of applications, and presenting the awards at the banquet (if possible).