

Wroclaw University Early Dance Group

Wrocław University Early Dance Group was established in 2010 and is currently a lively group of over 20 students and graduates of Wroclaw University and other universities: Academy of Music, Wrocław University of Technology, University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Wroclaw Medical University.

Philology Dept. students

The group focuses on researching and performing European court and social dances from 15th-19th centuries: Italian bassadanze and balli, French sarabandes and gigues, English country dances and minuets. Members of the group develop their skills by participating in early dance festivals and workshops in Poland (Wrocław, Warsaw, Kraków) and abroad (Latvia, the Czech Republic). They have attended intermediate and advanced classes by Jane Gingell, Lieven Baert, Barbara Sparti, Barbara Segal and Dorothee Wortelboer.

The group's cooperation with Jane Gingell is particularly fruitful: after many workshop sessions on renaissance and baroque dance in Wrocław we are looking forward to staging English Stuart Masques and much


Among events where the group performed are:

    • International Early Dance Festival PAWANA in Wrocław

    • International Early Music Festival in Świeradów Zdrój

    • Court Dance Festival CRACOVIA DANZA in Kraków

    • Early Dance Festival KOROWÓD in Warsaw

    • Lower Silesian Science Festival in Wrocław.

Thanks to Prof. Marek Kuźniak and Prof. Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak, in the winter semester of 2012/2013 graduate students of English at Wrocław University have a unique opportunity to participate in an optional class taught by Jane Gingell. "A Courtly Miracle": Staging the Stuart Court Masque" is a combination of theoretical and practical class, involving text work, acting, gesturing and declamation. Extensive original material from Jonson's Masques enables students to immerse into the world of English court entertainments from the 17th century.

Students will themselves act, declaim and dance in the final show, as Nymphs, Satyrs and Hours of the Night.