Windsor Chapter By-Laws

Windsor Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society By-Laws

Passed September 1998

The Windsor Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society is a local group of members within the society, bound by the O.A.S. constitution and the laws of Ontario. The Chapter plays a local role in advocating, coordinating and assisting in the recording and preservation of our cultural heritage. We actively promote archaeology through education of members and the public.

Preamble: The following is the form of administration which defines the role and responsibility of the Chapter executive and teh members of the Windsor Chapter of the O.A.S., elsewhere in this document referred to as the "Chapter".

Definitions: The Chapter is a group of members within the O.A.S.. The Chapter referred to in these By-Laws is the local body managed by its elected executive Committee.

Amendments: Amendments to this document may be raised by any Chapter member in good standing at any Chapter meeting and must be put forth in the form of a motion and be seconded. The proposed amendment would then be voted on at the next Chapter meeting in order to give one month’s notice of intention to amend to the general membership. Changes require a 2/3 majority vote.

Executive Officers

1a) The Chapter will elect from its membership a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of Vice-President and Secretary may be combined. The offices of Vice-President and Treasurer may be combined.

b) The term of office shall be one year for each elected officer (January – December).

c) The authority of the outgoing executive remains in effect until the first membership meeting of the new year.

d) A minimum of three officers is required to form a quorum for executive meetings.

e) All executive officers must be members in good standing of the Chapter and the O.A.S..

2. Any Chapter member may be appointed by the elected Chapter officers to serve the executive on a yearly basis. Appointed members shall attend and participate in executive meetings but do not have executive voting privileges.

3a) If an elected officer resigns for any reason, a letter of resignation is required immediately.

b) Upon resignation of an executive officer, the remaining executive officers, at their discretion, may hold an election or appoint an officer to hold the position for the remaining term.

4a) An executive or appointed officer may be removed from office for breach of Society Constitution, Chapter By-Laws, or misuse, abuse or gross neglect of the duties of office. Appropriate action will be taken by the Chapter executive.

b) The officer in question shall have the right to present his/her case to the Chapter executive.

5. All Chapter and Society documents and equipment or any other pertinent materials or information held by an outgoing officer will be promptly delivered in good working order to the incoming replacement or Chapter President.

6. Executive meetings should be held at least once a month (if necessary) to handle Chapter or O.A.S. concerns. Executive meeting may be called by any executive member.

7. A copy of the Society Constitution, Chapter management Guidelines and the Windsor Chapter By-Laws will be given to all new executive officers. These documents will also be available to Chapter members to read.

Election of Executive Officers

1a) A nominating committee of one to three members shall be appointed by the Chapter executive during the month of September.

b) Nominating Committee member(s) may not run for office.

c) Any Chapter member in good standing is eligible to run for office (except nominating committee member(s)). All executive positions are automatically open for election.

d) Members are allowed to run for and hold one elected office at any one time. Combined offices are considered one office.

2. Announcement of upcoming election and name(s) of the nominating committee shall be published in the September/October Chapter newsletter.

3a) The Nominating Committee will deliver a slate of officers for election by the November general meeting, at which time nominations will be closed and an election will take place.

b) The election will be held by secret ballot.

c) Only members in good standing for that year are eligible to vote.

d) The nominating committee will count the ballots although at least two members must count the ballots. If only one nominating committee member is present at the meeting, another Chapter member may be appointed to count by general agreement of Chapter members.

4. If the nominating committee fails to produce a full slate of officers, the incoming Chapter executive may appoint officers. This would be confirmed by the general membership.

5. Any office may be held by acclamation.


1a) Membership is open to all O.A.S. members in good standing.

b) Members are required to uphold the aims, policies and rules of the Society Constitution, management guidelines, Chapter By-laws and heritage laws of the provinces and country of Canada as well as United Nations endorsed heritage laws of other countries.

2a) Membership in the Chapter may be revoked for violation of any of (1b) above. Any information regarding a member thought to be in violation of (1b) above should be forwarded to the Chapter executive who will take responsible action.

b) Said member shall be given a chance to present their case to the Chapter executive.

3a) Chapter membership lapses if dues have not been paid for three months. A member will be reinstated upon payment of all arrears, although issue of missed publication may not be guaranteed.

b) At the discretion of the Chapter executive, a member may be relieved of the obligation to pay fees in special circumstances. Chapter records must show special case members.

4a) The Chapter fiscal year is January 1 to December 31.

b) Chapter members joining after July 1 but before September 1 pay only half of the yearly chapter fees and are members in good standing for that year. Issue of missed publications may not be guaranteed.

c) Any members joining from September 1 to December 31 are members for the next year and are not members in good standing for the September to December period. Members are responsible for any fee increase imposed between September 1 and December 31.

Membership Fees

1a) The Chapter Executive will decide by September 1 and notify members of any proposed changes in membership fees. The change will be voted on at eh September general meeting.

b) Membership categories shall consist of i) individual and ii) family. Family consists of immediate family members only, in the same household.


1. An annual financial statement will be given at the January Chapter business meeting and must be approved by the membership.

2. Any Chapter policy or action involving major use of Chapter funds will be confirmed by the Chapter membership.


1. The quorum for a Chapter business meeting is a minimum of six members who are in attendance.

2. Any Chapter activities needing volunteers requires membership approval.

3. All motions brought forward at the Chapter business meetings are decided by simple majority.

4a) A vote may take place by a show of hands or by secret ballot.

b) Voting may take place by mailed ballot at he discretion of the Chapter executive. Due notice of thirty days prior to the business meeting is required for mailed ballots.

c) Any fiscal or special election issue should have one month’s notice given at a business meeting or by mailing. The resolution shall be considered passed by simple majority.


1. The Chapter actively deplores damage done to any potential or known archaeological site.

2. Members report vandalism or unapproved activities on potential or known archaeological sites to the Chapter executive or the Ministry of Culture.

3. All lobbying and correspondence with local or provincial governments and other organizations will be carried out by the Chapter President or a member designated by the Chapter executive. No other member will be present themselves as a representative of the Chapter without the express written permission of the Chapter executive.


1a) All Chapter meetings are open to the public. Only members in good standing may vote on Chapter business.

b) Chapter meetings or functions held in a private place may be restricted to members only.

c) Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chapter executive.

2a) The business portion of the minutes of the previous meeting are to be read and approved at the Chapter business meeting.

b) The treasurer shall provide a brief report at eh Chapter business meeting.

3a) Any member in good standing my give news or take part in discussions at Chapter business meetings.

b) Any other person attending a Chapter meeting may give news or take part in discussions at the discretion of the Chapter executive.


1a) All Chapter or Society equipment/property is to be held in trust for the Chapter by the Chapter executive.

b) An inventory of Chapter/Society equipment/property will be undertaken at the end of each fiscal year.

c) All Chapter/Society property will be turned over to the incoming executive at their first Chapter meeting. This includes the Chapter charter.

2a) Chapter equipment may be loaned to any other person at the discretion of the Chapter executive.

b) The physical and financial responsibility for the collection and return in good condition of the loaned property is that of the borrower.

c) Chapter archives are the property of the Chapter.


1. Any issue or problem arising that is not covered by constitution, guidelines or by-laws may be dealt with by the Chapter executive in a fair and expeditious manner.