
Review of the last week

l Check your homework. Any problem?

時態:現在式(present tense)、過去式(past tense)及完成式(perfect tense)


1. 我是一個學生。 I am a student.

2. 他每天游泳。 He swims every day.

3. 這裡常常下雨。 It rains often here.

4. 太陽從東方升起,西方落下。 The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

5. 美國是一個大的國家。 America is a large country.


1. 我昨天參加了一個舞會。 I attended a party yesterday.

2. 我去年到美國去。 I went to America last year.

3. 我寫了一封信給你。 I wrote a letter to you.

4. 我昨夜整夜跳舞。 Last night, I danced all night.

5. 他昨夜去台北探訪他的爸爸。 He visited his father in Taipei last night.


1. 他是一個強壯的男孩。

2. 他昨天生病了。

3. 他每天吃一個蘋果。

4. 他昨天吃了三個蘋果。

5. 我是個快樂的人。

6. 昨天我看了兩場電影。


1. I ____________ (be) a Christian.

2. He ____________(be) a Catholic when he was a child.

3. He ____________(like) to play the piano.

4. He ____________(be) a good boy.

5. He ____________(go) to see his mother yesterday.

6. It ____________(rain) last night.


1. It rained very often in Taipei.

2. He go to work every morning.

3. I like to went to church.

4. He were a good student before.

5. He gives his book to his brother last month.


1. 自從1975年以後,我就住在這裡。 I have lived here since 1975.

2. 我認識他已經很久了。 I have known him for a long time.

3. 我已經寫完功課了。 I have done my homework.

4. 雖然他很年輕,但他已寫了三本小說。 Although he is young, he has already written three novels.

5. 你曾見過雪嗎? Have you ever seen snow?

6. 我曾見過李總統。 I have ever seen President Lee.


1. 去年,我住在美國。

2. 他從未去過英國。

3. 昨夜,我見到了你的父親。

4. 我已經見過你的父親好幾次了。

5. 我終生都住在台中。


1. I ____________ (become) a Christian already since I was a child.

2. I ____________ (be) a Christian all my life.

3. Stop eating now! You ____________(eat) too much.

4. I ____________ (talk) to my father last night.

5. Since 1962, I ____________(be) a teacher. Before that, I ______(be) a student.

6. I ____________ (read) many novels written by Charles Dickens.