Nice to meet you!

Introduce myself and yourself!

About me:


Age: 29

Gender (sex): male

Constellation: Aquarius

My favorite sports: basketball, baseball, and table tennis!

My favorite star: Cheer Chen(陳綺貞)

Mobile phone number:

Occupation: PhD student of National Taiwan University, Department of Psychology


What is your name?

How old are you? What day is your birthday?

What sign are your? (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)

What sports do you play?

Are you a fan of …?

What is your mobile phone number?

What school do you go to?

Movie clip session

Watch a short highlight video clips of LA Lakers vs. Houston Rockets. (21-35)

Try to repeat after the commentators!

“What’s going on there at the court?”

Quiz session

He _____ a student of Chung-He senior high school last year.

Mary _____ English very well. She can talk in English.

My father _____ not buy that car before.

Seventy-two plus _____ equals a hundred.

Is the baby a boy _____ a girl? A sweet girl!