
20081023-24-25 Autumn Watch

These pages are dedicated to the second part of the BBC "Breathing Place" program (used to be a corollary part of the BBC2 Springwatch * television series) held over three days the 23rd 24th and 25th October 2008.

The first part (appropriately called "Springwatch") was held over two days the 6th and 7th of June and consisted in transforming the Wild Life Area into a constituent part of the Surrey Square Park.

The second part concludes the works done in the summer with planting that it is hoped will enrich the place.

* The "Breathing Place" program is associated with the television series "Spring Watch" and "Autumn Watch" on the BBC2 channel UK.

Although the main event is for Saturday the 25th locals and Volunteers have been working on the site since Thursday. The whole event took in fact three days.

Before that there had been already some email exchanges between interested parties and one meeting to discuss the plan for the event.

Here you can see a report on the meeting and the agreement on how to proceed for the Autumn Watch phase of the project (a copy is also present in the Wild Area Ideas Exchange Forum).

The leaflet distributed for the event is here:

and the BBC has put up a web page here.

A summary of the post event meeting that took place 29th of September is here