After The BBC Springwatch Works

After the Springwatch phase to the Autumnwatch 0ne

This page shows what has happened to the site after the transformation worked by the "Breathing Place" initiative in the summer of 2008.

The lapse of time are a week apart for the first two months, then fortnightly. The idea was to document the re-greening of the site and helping in the future with what may be encountered when and if works will be carried out there again.

This site is intended to be illustrative of a process and could appear rather dull to the casual observer with large , detailed photos that take time to display on the browser.

So a quick glance could be gleaned by jumping from the first to the later stages of this documentation.

Note that some pictures of the re-establishment of the vegetation in the front side of the Wildlife Area were held on servers that closed down and have been lost.