Adult Mentors

Submission Form:

Dear Local Adult Mentors (Teachers, Librarians, Adult Helpers),

Let us help you encourage your students' love of writing and reading! WikiScribi has two goals -- to provide student writing, so that students may read work written by their peers, geographically near or far, and to make this content easily available on cell phones, because we know so many students use them. You can easily help us build our Story Library so that students can begin reading each other's work.

With your children or teens, do the following:

  • Encourage them to write stories, poems, informational writing about their culture, home, towns, animals,and their adventures that they would like to share.
  • They can write their stories on paper or on computers or whatever they have available.
  • Help them correct their grammar, spelling, and make the piece as good as they can.
  • Have them share their work with others in the community. Is their writing interesting to other children or teenagers? Perhaps their friends or others can make suggestions.
  • Quality standards for WikiScribi include neatly formatted, grammatically correct, student writing that is appropriate for and interesting to other children and teens. If student work meets this criteria, it is ready to submit!
  • Off-line, help the students type their work onto a computer. They can use almost any word processor, or, they can use a Google Document in the off-line mode. Perhaps a volunteer can help with this conversion.
  • We suggest that for privacy concerns, each child should create a pseudonym under which to post their writings on WikiScribi.
  • When the item is ready to submit, and you have Internet access, find the following Google Form at:
  • Fill in the form and submit it on-line.
  • You will receive a message back telling you whether the piece meets the quality standard for Wikiscribi.
  • If the piece does not meet the quality standard, encourage the writers to try and try again by learning to write better and better so that other youth will enjoy their work.
  • If it is uploaded to Wikiscribi, you and your students can start reading their work on their own cell phones! Congratulations!
  • Students can find their work, or read others' work at:
  • Please encourage everyone to both read and write more for Wikiscribi.

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact the organization in your country that is sponsoring this initiative or write to: (in English only). Suggestions in Spanish to:

Using Google Documents Offline function

  • Download google chrome and google drive ( to your desktop or laptop computer.
  • Open the chrome browser, and type in
  • Edit documents. Changes will be saved automatically, even you are not connected to the internet.
  • When Internet Access is available, log into wikiscribistories, access the drive folder you created. The google documents that you created in offline mode will load online.