
We encourage you to share your personal contact information and/or access the contact information of other people in your CERT Area or other HAMs.  To do so, you need to register in this website's database.  You only need to register once. 

Note: your contact information is used ONLY for CERT.  It is secure and can only be viewed by other registered CERT members in your CERT Area (plus the Webmaster and Incident Commanders).  Optionally, if you are a HAM, you can also share your information with other registered WC CERT HAMS.

If you have already registered, to view information or edit your information click view/edit CERT Area and HAM database.

Otherwise, to register...

[1] You need to have a free Google Account. 

• If you have a GMAIL address, you already have a Google Account - skip to step 2.

• If you want to get a free GMAIL address, click create free GMail address and Google Account

• Otherwise, to use your non-GMail address with a Google Account, please click create free Google Account

[2] After you have a Google Account, please click first time CERT database registration

Note: be sure to supply the email you used in step 1 above (your GMAIL address or the non-Gmail address you used to create a Google Account).  You will use this to gain access to see or edit the database in the future...

[3] After you finish step [2] above, Google notifies the webmaster that you registered.  You should get a confirmation email within about a week stating that you now have access to the CERT Area and HAM database.

Here is a YouTube illustrating the process... creating a free Google Account using your non-GMail address