Adminstrative Use

 new CERT Logo from Nick Zubel

--- Master database

 CERT Model spreadsheet IN PROGRESS

•   Band Plan Frequency chart   <----

 All Inclusive Contact Info contains main database - info from previous LR drills, WC CERT HAMs, misc.

 All Inclusive Contact Info Interface is the admin report interface to the main database

   Advanced Query Spreadsheet

 Generic data lookup by name (also included in All Inclusive spreadsheets)

•  Tom Simons database practice 

     •  ***OBSOLETE*** new style DB CERT Area - CERT HAMS

     •  ***OBSOLETE*** DB CERT Area - CERT HAMS

--- Lar Rieu Crossband Repeater (LR XBR) explore frequencies

•  Frequency Usage and Distance from WC 

--- New 2020-10-08 Battery Replacement

    Purchased batteries on Mighty Max 12V, 18AHr at Amazon earlier in year

     •  Battery Exchange Appointments

--- Howe Homestead

 • Howe Homestead CERT Directory

       • Howe Homestead Test Reception Sheet

--- Lar Rieu antenna purchase 2018

   Antenna purchase folder 2018

--- Getting on the Air

 GOTA registration, sign-in 

 Group Radio Purchase  (backup - backup 11-23)

 Print Labels spreadsheet

 History of GOTA and HAM Cram

 Weekly HF/LR/NG check-in winners

 Continuing Education - FRS Radio spreadsheet  enroll form Enroll in Con Ed - FRS Radio

 DSW activities list of events and participants

 •  HAM Reports all hams should print (useful in storm watch monitoring on repeater)

 @@All Functions Master will contain all current versions of script functions

 DB Spreadsheet Index contains links to all the major CERT related files.  Easier than searching through a list of documents.

 •  Email lists obsolete - part of CERT Area spreadsheet

(or use the "Email List" tab in each CERT Group spreadsheet)


 Create KML for WC CERT HAMS (or any set of addresses) use with mapping software

The information in this spreadsheet is somewhat dated.   The spreadsheet is now marked as OBSOLETE.

In 2012, I was interested in KMLs as a way to add address information to the maps I created for our Lar Rieu CERT area.  In the process, I found that the process of converting a street address into latitude/longitude yielded hit and miss results – many addresses were located “correctly”, but quite a few were miles off!  In any case, the lat/long coordinates did not line up well with the street database we got from Country Costa County.  Eventually, I discarded KML in favor of using Excel to ascertain the parcel number associated with a given street address from the County property lots database.  The parcel number could then be used with our maps.

The spreadsheet no longer works for two reasons -