Net Check-in Info



EDIT who has checked into a WC CERT HAM Practice Net. 

0) You need to be registered in the WC CERT HAMS database.  To do so, follow the directions in "Registration" in the sitemap at the left.

1) You need to have your email address added to the list of people who can make changes.  Email to request this.

2) Click the link, then log into GOOGLE before you can edit the spreadsheet.

3) Just put the first letter of your CERT Area into the appropriate row and column.  The list only shows dates for Thursdays.  The total at 6:50pm for a given Thursday is reported to the Central Co. Emergency Net at 7pm.  Make sure to add your information to the nearest Thursday FOLLOWING your check-in otherwise it won't get reported.

4) If you need to add the call-sign of a person who is not in the list, try to follow the instructions.  If you aren't sure what to do or need help, call Gary Montante immediately (his phone numbers are in the WC CERT HAMS Database).  He can quickly do it for you so you can continue adding data.

... link for help

... link to view who checked-in from each local CERT Area


... link to view who checked-in sorted by HAM call-sign

Note: depending on how busy Google is, the information may not appear instantly (could take Google 5-30 seconds or so.  Try refreshing the webpage or pressing F5 key if nothing happens after about 20 seconds).